Makes Its Debut To Solve Last-Minute Offer Drop Issue Makes Its Debut To Solve Last-Minute Offer Drop Issue

Including Mayank Gupta (Co-founder & CTO), Ashutosh Tiwari (Co-founder & CEO), and Mohit Pandey (Co-founder & COO) is a Data As A Resource (DAAR) platform that is designed to reduce the risk of last-minute offer drops and enable more informed hiring decisions.

In just 8 weeks since its launch, has attracted interest from more than 250 organizations, demonstrating a strong demand for a solution like ours within the HR industry.”

— Ashutosh Tiwari | Co-founder & CEO

GURUGRAM, HARYANA, INDIA, January 8, 2023 / — For HR professionals, the hiring process can often be unpredictable and risky. But a new startup is aiming to change all that., a six-month-old company that has been operating in stealth mode until now, is coming onto the scene with a platform designed to help HRs identify candidates who are “offer shopping.” By providing this valuable information, organizations can reduce the risk of last-minute offer drops and make more informed hiring decisions.

But it’s not just the innovative solution that sets apart. The company is led by a young and dynamic team, including CEO Ashutosh Tiwari, COO Mohit Pandey, and CTO Mayank Gupta. Tiwari, who has a deep respect for the work done by professionals in the HR industry, is inspired by their dedication and passion. “I have consistently been impressed by the professionals in this space,” Tiwari said. “Their tireless efforts to find the right candidates for organizations are admirable, and I wanted to create a solution that would help make their job a little easier.”

In just 8 weeks since launching, has already garnered interest from over 250 organizations. “We are thrilled by the response we have received so far,” Tiwari said. “It just goes to show that there is a real need for a solution like ours in the HR industry.”

According to Mohit “Organizations that have joined the platform believes that utilizing our platform can help mitigate the costs associated with the hiring process, including scouting and recruitment expenses, lost productivity, training and onboarding costs, and reputational damage. By leveraging the resources and functionality of our platform, these organizations aim to streamline and optimize their hiring practices, resulting in cost savings and increased efficiency.”

Gupta explained the technology behind, saying “Our report generation process is designed to deliver high-fidelity data to our clients. To achieve this, we have implemented a two-tiered validation system. First, our system performs a cross-referencing exercise with our network of partner organizations to verify the accuracy of the data. Then, our internal review team conducts a thorough examination of the report to confirm its authenticity. This combination of automated checks and human oversight allows us to confidently deliver trustworthy and reliable information to our clients.” Gupta said.

With the launch of its platform, is bringing a new light to the HR industry, providing a solution for a problem that has long plagued organizations. “We are grateful for the support and interest we have received, and we look forward to continuing to work with HR professionals to improve the hiring process,” Tiwari said. Keep an eye out for this groundbreaking startup, as they disrupt the way every organization hires.

Rishi sharma
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Article originally published on as Makes Its Debut To Solve Last-Minute Offer Drop Issue

This story originally appeared at Tech - Social Gov