APWG.EU and Meta Host Webinar on Techniques for Protecting Enterprises and Customers Against Phishing Today

APWG.EU and Meta Host Webinar on Techniques for Protecting  Enterprises and Customers Against Phishing Today
Experts on phishing assemble for practical - and visionary - Webinar on protecting ICT users from the evolving cybercrime threats

APWG.EU and Meta Host Webinar on Techniques for Protecting  Enterprises and Customers Against Phishing Today
APWG.EU Interactive Webinar

APWG.EU Interactive Webinar - Protecting your organization from phishing attacks: a proactive approach

On April 5 at 11:00 ET/15:00 UTC, APWG and Meta will host a webinar about how your organization can respond to phishing attacks. Our experts will delve into various  methods that you can use to thwart phishers and protect your brands and your customers.

At this webinar, we will explore the growing problem of phishing attacks from various angles:

1. Phishing activity: the rising trend of phishing attacks worldwide, and where phishers find resources (which registrars, hosts, ASNs host the most phishing?)

2. A target's viewpoint: the experience of being a target and victim of phishing, and some examples of successful mitigation outreach.

3. An anti-phishing company's perspective: how can we detect and mitigate phishing attacks?

4. A hosting provider ́s point of view: how can hosts help victims? How can victims construct useful and actionable phishing reports?

Crane Hassold, independent social engineering expert and former FBI behavioral analyst, says the focus of his talk will include "how new AI tools, like ChatGPT, could be exploited by cybercriminals to create more sophisticated phishing emails, and how these potential threats could be detected using existing technologies."

John Bambenek, President of Bambenek Consulting, says, "While we focus on threats to enterprises or politicians with outsized senses of importance, AI-driven threats will primarily be directed at consumers and end users who have no one to protect them and for losses so low law enforcement won't know what to do."

Robert Flaim of Meta and John Wilson of Phishlabs will complete this discussion by illustrating proactive and mitigation strategies. 

· Moderated by Greg Aaron, APWG Senior Research Fellow
· John Bambenek, Bambenek Labs
· Robert Flaim, Meta
· John Wilson, PhishLabs
· Crane Hassold, former FBI Behavioral Analyst

For more details and registration link visit https://apwg.eu/event/protecting-your-organisation-from-phishing-attacks-a-proactive-approach

About the APWG.eu: The APWG.eu, established in 2013 as the Anti-Phishing Working Group European Foundation, is an industry association focused on unifying the global response to cybercrime. The organization provides a forum for responders and managers of cybercrime to discuss phishing and cybercrime issues, to consider potential technology solutions, to access data logistics resources for cybersecurity applications, to cultivate the university research community dedicated to cybercrime research, and to advise government, industry, law enforcement and treaty organizations on the nature of cybercrime.

Contact Information:
Zoriana Dmytryshyna
Director of Institutional Relations
+34 618 782 169
Related Images
APWG.EU Interactive Webinar
APWG.EU Interactive Webinar

APWG.EU Interactive Webinar - Protecting your organization from phishing attacks: a proactive approach

Greg Aaron - Meta
Greg Aaron - Meta

Greg Aaron - Meta

Crane Hassold - Behavioral Analyst and BEC Expert
Crane Hassold - Behavioral Analyst and BEC Expert

Crane Hassold - Behavioral Analyst and BEC Expert

John Wilson - PhishLabs
John Wilson - PhishLabs

John Wilson - PhishLabs

Bobby Flaim - Meta
Bobby Flaim - Meta

Bobby Flaim - Head of Strategic Programs, IP & DNS Legal Team, Meta

John Bambenek - Bambenek Consulting
John Bambenek - Bambenek Consulting

John Bambenek - Bambenek Consulting

Original Source: APWG.EU and Meta Host Webinar on Techniques for Protecting Enterprises and Customers Against Phishing Today

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