The end of the campaign is just the beginning for Thomas Quiter

The end of the campaign is just the beginning for Thomas Quiter
The end of the campaign is just the beginning for Thomas Quiter

Mobility for Stephen!

Volunteerism is the way forward.

Help others today and be better able to live with yourself tomorrow.”

— Thomas Daniel Quiter

MOUNT UPTON, NEW YORK, USA, November 28, 2022 / — As the campaign winds down and priorities move on, Tom and the staff would like to thank everyone for all the encouragement and support. Continuing with Tom’s compassion and volunteerism that was the focus of the campaign Tom is moving forward with The New York Volunteer Network and The Mobility Independence Foundation Inc.

The New York Volunteer Network assists people in need. After spearheading successful efforts for Russel Jordan, Tom’s focus and support moves on to Stephen McGrath. Stephen is a veteran of The Marine Corps and is accustomed to holding two or more jobs at a time. In August of 2021 Stephen came down with COVID and was hospitalized. Through the time of hospitalization that Stephen endured he lost his home, he was in a coma for six weeks, and he lost his legs. Due to low-quality care, Stephen woke up with bed sores that had gone septic and had to undergo 11 surgeries to remove all the infected areas and his legs. Stephen needs your help obtaining the modifications to his current home that will afford him the launchpad for the new life he seeks.

“Focusing our efforts and resources towards goals like Stephen McGrath can dramatically improve our communities in a direct and more effective manner” says former US Senate Candidate Tom Quiter

In the spirit of giving Tuesday and the passion of Tom’s campaign, Tom encourages everyone to consider giving a little for Stephen. Those interested in making a true difference in their communities should consider a donation to Stephen’s fund through The New York Volunteer Network.

When asked why he founded The M.I.F. Inc Tom said: “From the 80’s to now I’ve seen the quality of mobility equipment rise and fall regarding both my needs and those of others. The equipment we produce will dramatically reshape the expectations of lifestyles and activity levels for those like Stephen. This change will take accessibility from a specialized need to one that everyone always thinks about when necessary and eventually that can change the world.”

The Mobility Independence Foundation is a nonprofit that seeks to bring greater accessibility to those with disabilities.The most common complaints over accessibility tend to focus on minor physical hurdles. As a society we can, and should, work to eradicate these minor hurdles. The right piece of equipment can bring greater accessibility to the entire world and we are proud to be a part of the solution. The M.I.F. will use common sense approaches to increasing the quality and longevity of mobility equipment, effectively doing the same for those who rely on them like Stephen.

Brianna Coyle
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Article originally published on as The end of the campaign is just the beginning for Thomas Quiter

This story originally appeared at Military - USA DAILY NEWS 24