Tim Ferriss and Modeling for Success

Tim Ferriss and Modeling for Success

Tim Ferriss and Modeling for Success

It all started from the Napoleon Hill’s literary classic Think and Grow Rich (http://amzn.to/2hLbxUP) – the idea that by modeling the behavior of people who have succeeded, you could improve your own odds of hitting the big time. True, there is more to it than copying the behavior of successful individuals – luck and time play vital roles as well – but there is no denying that modeling the behavior of people who already reached the point you want to reach is a big plus. Tim Ferriss has just put out a new book that is a summary of his podcast’s interviews of over 100 leaders of categories as varied as entertainment and US Special Forces.

I recommend you check out Tim’s podcast here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tim-ferriss-show/id863897795?mt=2 . Take a look at Tim’s book, Tools of Titans, here: http://amzn.to/2hKRzHv . I have my copy and I am reading it now.

Here are more reviews of this great book:



A good visual summary of the book:



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