Bluetooth Keyboard by Anker – My Review

Bluetooth Keyboard by Anker – My Review

Bluetooth Keyboard by Anker. A Review

There are lots of reasons for buying an external keyboard, even more for a wireless, bluetooth one. Maybe you spilled coffee on your cool Apple Wireless Keyboard (guilty), maybe you need to be able to write on your iPad (yup, I do). Maybe you don’t like your laptop’s keyboard or want to raise it closer to eye-level and need a keyboard for convenience?  (Not in my case, but I can understand it.)  What if you could get a keyboard almost as good as the Apple original, for 1/7 the cost?  Got your attention?  Thought so!  I ended up buying an Anker Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon for only $15.99!  The Apple OEM wireless keyboard was $99 the last time I checked.

bluetooth keyboard anker review

Once I got it unpacked, after a 1-day delivery by Amazon Prime, I was pleasantly surprised at the look and feel of the keyboard – keys are a bit farther apart than the Apple keyboard, and they make a bit more sound when depressed, but the action is very good, especially given the price! There is one small hitch, and that is getting it connected.  It seems that Anker added in an extra safety step before the keyboard can be paired with a host – you have to turn on Bluetooth on the host, have it start scanning, turn on the keyboard, and press the Fn + Z keys simultaneously.  This lets the keyboard be found by the host, after which the connection went off perfectly. I connected it to an iPad Air 2, but will probably do so with my Macbook Pro as well, just in case. I highly recommend this keyboard!  Here is some more info about it from the web:




(links in post are affiliate links for which I will receive a small percentage that helps pay for the hosting costs, so I really appreciate it if you click through and purchase from Amazon – its a great product!)

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